Monday 14 November 2016

Can Folate and Vitamin B-12 be intrinsically related to the onset of Sjogren's Syndrome?

Iatrogenic factors and amphibiotic H. pylori could trigger Sjogren's syndrome. And what else?

It is my personal belief that one of the triggers related to the onset of Sjogren's syndrome symptoms is our so well known bacteria Helicobacter pylori. This alongside iatrogenic factors derived from the use of pharmaceuticals like tricyclic antidepressants or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. I am not religiously assuming it, I am conjecturing based on hours of literature research and evidence collected by myself. 

I wrote about the concomitant role of H. pylori in Sjogren's syndrome here, here and also here. In my last post on the subject I stressed the likely amphibiotic behaviour of the bacteria Helicobacter pylori that under attack will determine a shift from the symbiotic to the aggressive-parasitic posture. It is my understanding that whilst under attack the bacteria will make sure the immune system of its host remains busy with capturing decoy substances produced by the invasive agent, to then cause a cascade of actions that ultimately result in the onset of Sjogren's. 

There is a growing wave of acceptance in the scientific community that a viral or bacterial infection can trigger the disease. To that I add that people subjected to, or suffering from severe stress/extreme anxiety are naturally volatile subjects due to a cascade of events that result in stress-induced anxiety and acid reflux. Long story short, stress and anxiety will increase cortisol levels that due to adrenal fatigue and low levels of oestrogen will result in an ever more acid stomach pH. This will reduce mucine levels in our stomach lining, fissures will crack open the surface of an infected digestive wall where the bacteria will start a very resilient amphibiotic process of survival. 

But today, as I was browsing through some articles in the very limited free time I still have, I found yet another incredible piece of evidence for this theory of mine: Folic acid and Vitamin B-12.

Tamura et al (2002) showed that pylori-induced chronic degenerative gastritis reduces both folic acid and vitamin B-12 plasma levels [1] resulting in ailments such as joint inflammation - typical of Sjogren's syndrome. This idea is also vastly and consistently debated by Tollison and Satterthwaite's book "Practical Pain Management" [2]. In addition, if one reads the impressively good review by Fenech (2001) [3] one learns that folic acid deficiency can result in chromosome breaks and hypomethylation of the DNA, both linked to elevated homocysteine levels (also suggested by [1]). High homocysteine levels are linked to chromosomal imbalance and genotoxicity. 

What I am willing to explore over the coming weeks is what some people (I'm not going to say who for I had no time to read their articles yet) are currently suggesting... That all of these events hereby mentioned can 'somehow' result in manganese deficiency. And the lacking of manganese will reveal an incapacity of one's organism to cleanse off free radicals. Those free radicals will allegedly be entrapped at cell membranes and the mitochondrial moiety and be targeted by the body's immune system - A DECOY STRATEGY THAT KEEPS OUR IMMUNE SYSTEM WAY OFF THE REAL ISSUE - H. PYLORI. The body believes that it is making sure the toxic metals are 'exuded', but in reality the attack is constant on the antigen  and never on its precursor - the bacteria. Hidden in the typical muciparous/mucogenic environments, the bacteria thrives on.

That's it for now, folks! Tell me what you think on this matter and come visit the blog next week for the underlying link between the high homocysteine levels and manganese deficiency.

[1] Tamura, A., Fujioka, T., Nasu, M. (2002). "Relation of Helicobacter pylori infection to plasma vitamin B12, folic acid, and homocysteine levels in patients who underwent diagnostic coronary arteriography". The American Journal of Gastroenterology, 97, pp. 861-866.

[2] Tollison, C. D. and Satterthwaite, J, R. (2002). "Practical Pain Management". 3rd Edition, Lippicot Williams and Wilkins.

[3] Fenech, M. (2001). "The role of folic acid and vitamin B-12 in genomic stability of human cells". Micronutrients and Genomic Stability. 

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